
pytcpl: A lite Python version of tcpl: An R package for processing high-throughput chemical screening data

Welcome to the GitHub repository for the pytcpl package.

pytcpl is a streamlined Python package that incorporates the mc4, mc5 and mc6 levels of tcpl, providing concentration-response curve fitting and hitcalling based on tcplfit2. It utilizes the Invitrodb version 4.1 release as its backend database.

(Optional) Use conda environment

conda create --name pytcpl
conda activate pytcpl
conda install pip

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running pipeline:


Run pipeline (on single machine)

python src/pipeline/ --instance_id 0 --instances_total 1

Further automation steps

Curve surfer: Inspect fitted curves, hitcall labels and potency estimates

streamlit run src/app/ --server.address="localhost"
